Kermit Highfield Louisville KY Owner of Southern Food and Snacks Introduce - Smoked Sea Salt Popcorn

Kermit Highfield Louisville KY Owner of Southern Food and snacks introduce the veggie lover Smoked Sea Salt Popcorn formula was roused by the bacon-enhanced popcorn at one of my #1 Atlanta eateries. This veggie lover Smoked Sea Salt Popcorn formula was roused by the bacon-enhanced popcorn at one of my #1 Atlanta eateries. Smoked Salt Popcorn on In the soul of Halloween, the current month's formula revival subject is creepy flavors. You know – the spices you purchased and utilized once or those containers of dark flavors you some way or another procured however can't head out in different directions from? I'm certain you can relate. At the point when I saw the subject I verified which flavors were prowling in obscurity corners of my storeroom. Since I as of late cleaned and revamped the wash room, there weren't numerous additional flavors hanging out in there. I tracked down a not many that I bought with honest goals yet never broke the seal. One of w...